9 Reasons You Should Celebrate Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day can be hard. Or it can be really easy and you can feel the love all day long. Either way, you might as well try and enjoy seeing couples frolic through fields with birds flying above their heads. Here are 9 reasons you should celebrate Valentine’s Day!
- If you even remotely enjoy eating candy or chocolate, this holiday is for you! Take a quick trip to the store, buy all the last minute heart-shaped chocolate boxes and then take them home and eat them all! You don’t have to share them with anyone because you’re single and you’re selfish! If you can hold out for February 15, all the candy will be 50% off!!
- A lot of people are going to be super into their feels, especially if you’re single. Our solution is to turn on your XM radio to Alt Nation and listen to their all day blast of angst ridden EMO music. If you’re going to fall down a dark hole, you might as well go all out.
- If you do have a Valentine, this the opportunity to take them out so that you can eat a delicious meal. Any excuse to eat, am I right?
- There’s a ton of free stuff going on the weekend of Valentine’s Day so you might as well save some money and take your date to one of those options! Check out www.do512.com for more FREE Valentine’s Day activities.
- Take the day and do some casual charity work. Valentine’s Day is about love so why not spend the day showing some love and encouragement to the less fortunate?
- This is one of the only holidays where you aren’t required to hang out with your family all day. You don’t have to hear about Grandma’s political views and you won’t need to explain your life to your Dad. WIN!! You can actually chose who you want to hang out with on Valentine’s Day and if you want to be a loner, it’s totally cool.
- Use the day to get all of your errands done! Everyone is probably out celebrating so it’s time for you to celebrate as well! By going to get your oil changed and finally getting around to cleaning your closet! WOOHOO, Love!
- If you’re single, go ahead and get on Tinder. It’s never too late to find a Valentine, even if it’s on Valentine’s Day.