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Why Teachers Make Great Real Estate Agents

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Sarah Wuenscher
Jul 19, 2022

If you’ve noticed an uptick in LinkedIn activity from your teacher friends lately, you’re not just imagining things. A National Education Association survey from this year shows that a shocking 55% of educators  plan to leave their teaching roles earlier than they had originally planned. Whether it’s pandemic-induced burnout or a desire for higher pay, tons of teachers across the nation are seeking a major change in pace in their next career move.

teacher writing on chalkboard

In this mass exodus, many educators have made the jump from the classroom into real estate and are absolutely crushing it. We have the receipts — former teachers who join our team tend to quickly catapult to top-producer status, and it’s definitely not a coincidence. We asked a few of our teacher-turned-agent coworkers to weigh in on the skills and traits that translate from their previous job to success in real estate!

1 | They’re masters of communication

“A huge portion of this job is educating my clients on the market so that we can work together to find the best option. We are the experts, so it’s necessary to have strong communication skills and the ability to convey necessary — and sometimes complicated — information to our clients!” – June, Chicago


The real estate market is constantly changing and full of tons of industry-specific jargon, which can be dizzying for renters and buyers. Teachers and real estate agents alike are experts in the art of taking complicated concepts and translating them into digestible info.

2 | They’re empathetic


“My time in the classroom taught me an extra level of empathy and negotiation that I apply in my role as an agent. It helps me meet each person where they are and cater to them on their level. This also helps with damage control and putting out fires as they come. Being able to meet them where they are and appreciate them for it helps me give the ultimate client experience. Leaving them knowing that your best interest is their best interest makes a world of a difference for me.” – Amanda, Austin


Teachers are known for their willingness to go above and beyond for their students. The best real estate agents have that same energy toward their clients! In order to truly find someone the best place to live, agents need to get to know their clients’ wants, needs, and motivations in order to secure them a place they’ll love.


3 | They’re organized AF

Ever seen a lesson plan? Enough said.


4 | They roll with major changes

“I was very nervous and anxious before going into real estate because it was a totally different field for me, but I quickly noticed that there wasn’t too big of a difference from what I was doing before. Making the move has been an amazing experience and I’m glad that I did it!” – Jessica, Austin


Teachers constantly experience change — whether it’s the entirely new classes of students every single year, brand new lesson material, or new protocols. Taking it all in stride to help their students succeed is what they do best (even when that meant making the rapid switch to remote learning!)

Become a real estate agent

If you or a friend is one of the previously mentioned educators with an #OpenToWork LinkedIn profile picture, know that others in similar situations have had major success in real estate. Before starting work as an agent, you’ll need to get your real estate license. We highly recommend Aceable for your real estate pre-licensing coursework — when you’re ready to get started, have 50% off on us by using this link. Your discount will be applied at checkout!

For more information about becoming an agent, we answer some FAQs about the Apartment Locator role right here, or follow Taryn throughout her day as an agent in Austin, Texas in our day-in-the-life vlog.

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