7 Reasons Why You’re So Dallas!

Every city has something that makes it unique and likable to the people who live there. Sometimes it’s amazing food and nightlife or it’s beautiful scenery and great outdoors. For Dallas, it’s sitting on a patio, Whataburger and 70 degree weather in February. Here are our top 7 reasons on why you’re so Dallas:
- You brunch super hard. You know where the best Bloody Marys are and you’ve had the most bomb chicken and waffles in town. You’ve been to all of the hot spots. You seriously believe that brunch is the Holy Grail. And you know that there’s going to be at least an hour wait wherever you go.
- Everyone here loves to constantly be shopping. NorthPark, The Galleria, a ton of outlet malls and shopping centers make it a little to convenient for people to just pop in. Do you remember how hard you freaked out when we finally got a H&M and Zara? We remember and we freaked super hard!
- You also just love eating out for every meal. Breakfast, lunch or dinner, it honestly doesn’t matter. It also doesn’t help that DFW often tops the list for the most restaurants per capita than any other city in the nation. That’s a lot of hungry Dallasites.
- If it’s warm outside, you can be caught at Katy Trail Icehouse or The Rustic. You probably have a cold beer in your hand and you may or may not be wearing aviator Ray Bans and sitting at a picnic table. Any excuse to patio, right?
- You love to use valet. It doesn’t matter if they’re parking your car directly in front of you! You’re going to use it anyway!
- If it’s cold outside (55 degrees), you just can’t.
- You refuse to drive anywhere outside of Central Dallas. Plano? Stop! If you have friends that live in Ft. Worth, you haven’t seen them in 5+ years.