A Letter From Smart City
From the bottom of our hearts, we hope that each and every one of you has found safety from the incredible amount of water that has fallen on and flooded the city of Houston. As an apartment locating company, we understand the importance of having a place that you love to lay your head at night. We also understand that as the storms from Harvey continue to fall in the area, the homes that so many of you cherish are being threatened by rain and flooding.
We want you all to know that the entire Smart City team stands with Houston and plans to help in relief efforts in any way possible. We will do our part as a business and as a member of this community to help. Y’all are the most important thing to us and we will be working tirelessly to make the recovery process from this mess as easy as possible.
Thank you for being a part of our crazy family. We look forward to continuing to work with you all!
Stay safe,
Smart City Houston